Hello World, is this thing on?07/13/2023

Hi, welcome to the shiny new server. If you're here, you probably met me or got a nametag at Fur'Eh this year! I had intended to get this website working before the con, but I was busy until the last second before leaving. It was my first ever con, and while it was a lot to take in, I felt much at home in the crowd. There's an intersection of nerds, D.I.Y people, artists, and a generally friendliness there that was a nice change from the day-to-day. Having returned (and gotten a decent sleep), I finally got around to pointing this domain somewhere.
Where is "here" exactly? A virtual server somewhere near Toronto, running a very stock Ubuntu LTS with Apache. There's no CMS, JavaScript, or similar modernity to be found here, in case the Web 1.0 look didn't tip you off. Simplicity is bliss. This also might be one of the few websites left without a cookie consent popup - because there aren't any cookies to speak of.
Alright, so what is here, anyways? Well, I've been meaning to create a place to leave my work for a while. I've got interests from computer hardware to soap making and just about everything in-between. I'm a pretty weird person. But I'd like to share some of what I've learned and done over the years, and the projects I'm working on now. Expect to find a lot of heavy technical content - hardware and software projects, mixed in with niche hobby D.I.Y stuff. A grab bag that should hopefully have a bit of something for every technically-oriented person out there. There'll be some furry actually scalie content, but I'll be keeping it D.I.Y related and SFW for the most part. I'm aiming for around one article a week, but we'll see how lazy I am.
The first thing I'm posting up is the LED nametags I brought to the con - the design, the software, and a bit of a "lessons learned" post-con review. You can find the project on it's own separate page here, or by going to the projects page using the top nav. I've tried to make this site about as usable on mobile as I could with very minimal styling, but it's probably best read on something with at least 720p resolution.
Welcome to the dungeon,